Last Guardian, from
(Image from

It’s almost like a dream…  The Last Guardian has finally gone gold.  It’s really going to be released in December. I thoroughly enjoyed Shadow of the Colossus and have fond memories of my freshman year suitemates gathering around to watch me climb impossibly large bosses, be flung around while clinging wildly to the back of flying deities, and throwing myself from Agro onto passing behemoths to stab them in their glow-y spots. ICO, I am ashamed to say, is a game I never completed but have still heard fantastic things about. I remember back in 2012, I was at my parent’s house over Christmas break and I got a call from GameStop. It was a pre-recorded message telling me that Christmas was ruined…

Ok, not really. I’m being dramatic, but it WAS letting me know that the Last Guardian had been cancelled and my preorder deposit was going to be refunded, I just needed to visit my local store to get everything squared away. Well, I wasn’t having any of that. Determined that it had to be some kind of cruel joke, I left my $5 reservation on what became “No Sku Found” for another year before finally, the credit was forcibly returned to me in the form of a $5 gift certificate.

Still choosing not to believe it was actually cancelled, I would talk about the long in-development title with friends who similarly loved Shadow of the Colossus and about what had been teased up to that point. Trico was oddly beautiful. The weird cat-bird-thing that was to be our companion on this adventure. The no doubt heart-wrenching story we would endure upon release and the grand tale that would fill the in-between.

Still, no news broke about the game…

And then it happened. We got some news in early 2015. The Last Guardian trademark had lapsed/been abandoned. Hope seemed lost. Sony did not leave us in our time of need though, as E3 2015 rolled around. A new trailer, for the PS4, and a very wide launch window.


After originally being announced back in 2009, I believe, the wait is now almost over. Will the long gestating title live up to its name and the legacy of its predecessors? That remains to be seen. Early hands-on articles report camera issues that seemed to plague games around the time of Last Guardians inception. If that’s the only criticism that can be laid at its feet for now, I can deal with that. I can be very forgiving of flaws in games that excel in other areas, such as storytelling or the remaining gameplay elements outside of the camera. When it’s all said and done, I am just excited to return to JAPAN Studio’s next foray into the world of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus. After 7 years, December doesn’t seem so far away…