2017 Rollover, from innovationexcellence.com
(Image from Innovation Excellence (Thanks Google))

Hello and sorry for the delay in writing new content.  Between weddings and the holidays (read: adulting and social obligations), I haven’t had much time to put a new post to the page, but I’m here to rectify that now!  2016 had some high peaks and low troughs but now’s the time to look forward to the new year and that means A LOT of new games.  Seeing as there are too many to list for the entire year, I’m just going to briefly mention a few things I’m excited for, in no particular order, that should be arriving in the first quarter of the year or so (in the world of adulthood, time is measured in quarters of years, just go with it).

The Nintendo Switch

I’ve written about this a few times before, but I’m very excited about the Nintendo Switch.  I’m curious to see what more they have to unveil (besides a price point and official release date) during the January 12th presentation.  Will we see more attachments?  New features of the base hardware we’ve not been shown?  New titles being confirmed?  Hopefully, it’s all of the above.  Since the last write up I did about the Switch, rumors have come out that the unit will run at a 40% power reduction while not nestled in the cradle.  This makes sense and many devices do this currently.  You trade off some of the raw power of the device for extended battery life, it’s nothing new and nothing to worry about, in my opinion.  Nintendo will make sure its games are still playable at the reduced power levels.  Whether that means they’ll be downscaled to require less “umph” (

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Continuing on the Nintendo train, Breath of the Wild continues to look fantastic.  The Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite game series, if not my absolute favorite.  This entry appears to take the original, more open style of the game and put a modern spin on it and there’s still so much we don’t know!  We’ve barely glimpsed villages and NPCs.  They’ve teased some kind of airship and wingsuited/flying villain.  Armors and weapons that have yet to be seen, Epona hasn’t been shown in a while, other neat tricks the game’s engine can perform (like setting grass on fire with a Fire Rod, fanning it with a Deku Leaf, and riding the updraft from the flames with the same leaf, which is kind of ridiculous), and more!  I’m ready to jump, climb, fight, and lose myself in this new iteration of Hyrule.  New (and nasty) rumors are saying that the game is going to be delayed again so the system can launch with the new Mario title (also excited about) and Nintendo can avoid competing with itself over which title is a must-have (por que no los dos?).  Hopefully, during the Switch press conference on the 12th, we’ll get more concrete details about the game.  Until then, I’m hoping and praying it’s still a launch title.

Persona 5

The Persona series has become super stylized in recent years.  I was sold on the series watching the intro to Persona 3 and reading all the stellar reviews of the game at the time.  Part dungeon-crawler, part high school social sim, all JRPG.  Memento mori, Evokers, and the dark theme all drew me in.  The series has presented a lot of interesting ideas about coming to terms with one’s true self, death, pop culture consumption, and many others.  Persona 5 has been long-gestating and constantly delayed (partially due to Atlus being purchased by Sega and the voice actors’ strike) but looks fantastic from all the information released.  It even has a pretty excellent prequel anime episode that helps set up the story we’ll be jumping into in this iteration.  The series has spawned anime, manga, and gaming off-shoots, some of which even tie together the entries of the series which are usually stand alone.  Most recently, the game was delayed from its projected release date of Valentine’s Day to April 4th (not technically the first quarter of 2017 but I did say, “or so” 😛 ).

Horizon: Zero Dawn

Guerrilla Games has continuously impressed with their newest title for the PS4.  The story is intriguing: robotic creatures have overtaken the earth and humans have been mostly relegated to small tribes, their cities having been reclaimed by nature.  Think Native Americans with high tech weaponry hunting robotic animals instead of flesh-and-blood ones.  The gameplay looks smooth and varied (though they’re probably playing on the PS4 Pro, as seems to be the case recently when titles are being demoed), and has kind of a Monster Hunter vibe to it.  The facial expressions/speech options looked a little stiff and weaker than the rest of what has been presented but that doesn’t take away much from the rest of the showcase.  I’ve tried to avoid watching too much of the game, so as to avoid any potential spoilers or seeing too much in the trailers (a common issue these days), so that’s all I really know about it.  We’ll find out early next year if it ends up being worth our time.

Virtual Reality

This one is a bit more broad than just any one specific title or platform but having played a bit of VR here at the advent, it’s got a lot of promise.  The Vive seems to be leading the pack at the moment, with solid motion controls, room scale for a bit of maneuverability, and other features packed in the headset.  It’s great to bring out at parties and give people a taste of the immersion VR offers.  2017 will hopefully see hardware become a bit more affordable, software become a bit more prevalent, and a killer app that manages to sell a full-fledged video game in a VR package rather than a tech demo or an “experience.”  Many hurdles still need to be addressed, such as in-game motion that doesn’t cause nausea but also isn’t point-and-click teleportation.  Space/movement requirements in the real world and properly marking off boundaries without pulling users out of the game world by throwing up a boundary marker in-game.  The hardware itself needs to be addressed as well.  Every major headset available currently (Oculus, Vive, and PlayStation VR) tethers you to whatever hardware is powering it.  Cutting the cord causes quite the concern for the headsets, both from a power standpoint, as well as a tracking one, but until people aren’t worried about strangling themselves with a cable or pulling down their whole entertainment center by yanking a cord during frantic gameplay, the medium is going to be limited in what it can accomplish.  As for early 2017, PlayStation VR is getting Resident Evil 7.  If the Beginning Hour demo is any indication, we’re in for a terrifying experience.  I’m sure we’ll see plenty of internet videos of people playing the game and being scared out of their minds.  Additionally, Star Wars Battlefront recently received a DLC in the form of an X-Wing Mission Pack for the PlayStation VR.  If you haven’t ever entertained the idea of flying an X-Wing in full immersion, you probably didn’t see the Star Wars movies during your formative years and I apologize for whoever dropped the ball on that one.  Regardless of platform, I hope VR sees some growth in the coming year because it has plenty of potential and just needs the right people to harness it.

I’m going to call it quits with these few things.  Gaming has plenty more to be excited about in 2017 though (Mass Effect: Andromeda, for example)!  Feel free to leave a comment or drop me an e-mail about what you’re excited for in the new year of gaming and whatever your plans may be this evening, be smart and be safe.

See you in the new year!