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More Switch News (& Other Tidbits)

Nintendo Switch, from Polygon
(Image from Polygon)

The Nintendo Switch is on everyone’s minds after last week’s unveiling of the new system. Nintendo’s president, Tatsumi Kimishima, has given a few cryptic hints to further whet our collective appetites for more info and rumors continue to fly as Nintendo closes the vault door again after only giving us a peek at the wonderful, nerdy treasures inside. For more concrete details, we will be waiting until January 12. Waiting until after the holidays/new year when the system would potentially be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the season is smart on Nintendo’s part and it kickstarts the new year with an updated look at the system, as well as starting the ~2 month countdown until the system’s release in March.

Speaking with Bloomberg, Kimishima didn’t give away much. He mentioned that Nintendo has only shown the core concept of the system, not what it is fully capable of. It seems they have more accessories up their sleeves, potentially a few that will be interchangeable with the Joy-Cons strapped to the side of the Switch. Rumors have been flying about the potential add-ons here, everything from infrared pointers to projectors that register motion.

An interesting bit of phrasing to note was that Kimishima said they want people to touch they console in January and experience it for themselves to fully understand what Nintendo is trying to do. The use of the word “touch” here is probably reading into it a bit much, but rumors are saying that the system will feature a 720p touchscreen, which has yet to be confirmed by Nintendo. I believe the comment was made more in the vein of getting hands-on time in order to truly understand what the system can do. Nintendo did not do a good job explaining this with the Wii U and all the cool things/ways of play that it could muster, or of differentiating it in their marketing so parents understood this was a new system, not just a Wii add-on (much like the DS/3DS). In breaking with the “Wii” branding and giving people the opportunity to actually play the console in a sufficient amount of time prior to launch, I think they are setting themselves up to be heard and understood this time. One of their main design philosophies has been to make hardware around their games, not the other way around. So if people don’t understand the hardware, then they’re not going to understand the unique ways to play the games that the company is publishing either. But I digress…

Those of you who were worried about the longevity of the 3DS need not be concerned, as Nintendo’s president has confirmed that they will continue pushing the 3DS as they feel it has a market separate from what the Switch will inhabit. That doesn’t mean consumers will see it that way. If you can play console quality games on the go, why would you settle for a (probably fantastic) 3DS title? Portability, battery life, established install bases, and plenty of other things will factor into this, for certain, but I can’t help but think that Nintendo is going to be stealing a portion of its own market (or maybe occupying the Vita’s shrinking real estate).

2 months and 15 days (but who’s counting?) will tell what we actually receive. Hopefully at that time, they give us a firm release date, price, and what’s included in the launch bundle(s). I assume there will be multiple configurations available, both varied in hard drive space and bundled accessories.  Also, if by some chance you’re reading this Nintendo, give us some news about the Breath of the Wild amiibo while you’re at it!  I’m going to need one of everything (Switch and Zelda amiibo), please and thank you!

In Other News

Square-Enix had a couple of exciting announcements this week.  In addition to releasing the opening cinematic for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Remix, we were treated to the news that 1.5 Remix and 2.5 Remix are being bundled and remastered for the PS4 so for the first time, the entire series, in all its convoluted glory, will be available on one console.  So anyone who has been living under a rock for the past 15 years (Yeah, it’s been that long.  I know it’s weird and we’re old.  Take a moment, if you need it.), can play/watch from start to finish to prepare you for Kingdom Hearts 3, which is set to release next year.  Now, you just have to decide the order in which to play the games.  It’s kind of like a Star Wars dilemma.  Chronological according to release date?  Chronological according to the game’s story?  Or some butchered version, hopping around to not spoil any plot points until they were intended to be revealed?  I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

Not be left out, Final Fantasy XV also had a new bit of info drop.  There’s going to be a DLC pack that allows you to play multiplayer, online, with each of the main 4 heroes being controlled by a human player!  I assume this will be in some segmented story arc, rather than in the main campaign but since a good bit of the story revolves around Noctis and his band of brothers, it would be cool if you could experience the game with a brotherhood of your own at the helm.  We’re almost exactly a month away from the game’s release and I’m ready to dive in and find out whether the 10+ year wait has been worth it!

The last bit of news was slightly more recent than even the above tidbits.  Square-Enix has launched a teaser site, currently with a 5 day countdown, for a new Final Fantasy title for iPhone/Android.  While there have been plenty of Final Fantasy titles of varying degrees of quality for mobile already, the interesting part of this is that it features a note from Chrono Trigger’s director, Takashi Tokita, as well as the fantastic art of Yoshitaka Amano (who has had ties to the Final Fantasy series since its inception, I believe).  This already bodes incredibly well for the title as many JRPGs fans hold Chrono Trigger in very high esteem and having this duo on-board shows that Square-Enix (hopefully) isn’t “phoning” this one in.  *insert pun husky photo here*

I’ll see myself out…

The Last Guardian Has Gone Gold!

Last Guardian, from
(Image from

It’s almost like a dream…  The Last Guardian has finally gone gold.  It’s really going to be released in December. I thoroughly enjoyed Shadow of the Colossus and have fond memories of my freshman year suitemates gathering around to watch me climb impossibly large bosses, be flung around while clinging wildly to the back of flying deities, and throwing myself from Agro onto passing behemoths to stab them in their glow-y spots. ICO, I am ashamed to say, is a game I never completed but have still heard fantastic things about. I remember back in 2012, I was at my parent’s house over Christmas break and I got a call from GameStop. It was a pre-recorded message telling me that Christmas was ruined…

Ok, not really. I’m being dramatic, but it WAS letting me know that the Last Guardian had been cancelled and my preorder deposit was going to be refunded, I just needed to visit my local store to get everything squared away. Well, I wasn’t having any of that. Determined that it had to be some kind of cruel joke, I left my $5 reservation on what became “No Sku Found” for another year before finally, the credit was forcibly returned to me in the form of a $5 gift certificate.

Still choosing not to believe it was actually cancelled, I would talk about the long in-development title with friends who similarly loved Shadow of the Colossus and about what had been teased up to that point. Trico was oddly beautiful. The weird cat-bird-thing that was to be our companion on this adventure. The no doubt heart-wrenching story we would endure upon release and the grand tale that would fill the in-between.

Still, no news broke about the game…

And then it happened. We got some news in early 2015. The Last Guardian trademark had lapsed/been abandoned. Hope seemed lost. Sony did not leave us in our time of need though, as E3 2015 rolled around. A new trailer, for the PS4, and a very wide launch window.


After originally being announced back in 2009, I believe, the wait is now almost over. Will the long gestating title live up to its name and the legacy of its predecessors? That remains to be seen. Early hands-on articles report camera issues that seemed to plague games around the time of Last Guardians inception. If that’s the only criticism that can be laid at its feet for now, I can deal with that. I can be very forgiving of flaws in games that excel in other areas, such as storytelling or the remaining gameplay elements outside of the camera. When it’s all said and done, I am just excited to return to JAPAN Studio’s next foray into the world of ICO/Shadow of the Colossus. After 7 years, December doesn’t seem so far away…

Nintendo Switch (aka The Artist Formerly Known as NX)

Nintendo Switch, from nVidia blog
(Image from nVidia blog)

Nintendo released a teaser trailer on Thursday morning, finally lifting the curtain on their newest console previously known only as the Nintendo NX.  Now officially named the Nintendo Switch, we have a better look at the console and what Nintendo is aiming for with the new hardware.  Full disclosure before I begin, I have been called a Nintendo fanboy and have not done much to dissuade people of this notion.  That being said, let us proceed.

The Breakdown

The Console

The Switch is Nintendo’s next foray into the home console market, except that it is also dabbling into the mobile market as well.  Powered by a new nVidia Tegra processor, the Switch is a self-contained tablet-like game console with a dock allowing you the option to connect to a TV when not on the go.  The attached controllers (known as Joy-Cons) can be removed and used individually or together (with or without a controller shell attachment).  This gives Switch players the option of allowing two people to play at any moment, anywhere.  Additionally, multiple Switches can be used for local multiplayer.  The number of players per screen and the number of Switches able to connect together locally has yet to be confirmed.

The Accessories

Several accessories were shown in the Switch reveal trailer.  Outside of the Joy-Cons, which come with the console, the trailer showed off the new Pro controller.  Similar to the existing offering for the Wii U, the Pro controller looks like it will be the go-to for people not wanting to use the Joy-Cons (shell or no), but it is unclear whether one will be included with the console or not.  My money is on “not,” if history is any indicator.

The controller shell for the Joy-Cons is another uncertainty at the moment.  Since it appears you can use the Joy-Cons, detached from the system, without the shell (making it optional), it would seem that this would most likely not be included with the console either.

Not so much an accessory as it is a feature, but the console itself has a built-in kickstand on the back for propping up to play on the go.  Great for when you need to throw down a challenge in a multiplayer game without immediate access to a TV.

Amiibo are shown in the trailer during the Super Mario segment but not specifically interacted with.  Nintendo has confirmed that amiibo will function with the Switch, allowing those of us who have spent a fortune on the plastic figurines to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

The dock the system uses is another intriguing accessory.  Definitely included with the console, the dock seemingly charges the console as well as allowing it to seamlessly switch (see what I/they did there?) from mobile play to home/TV play.  We are not afforded a view of the back side of the dock, so the connection options are unknown at this point.  There is one shot of a couple of ports on the side of the dock in the trailer, though I am unsure of what those connections are.

The final accessory shown in the trailer is easy enough to overlook, but it appears to be a cradle that can be attached to a headrest in a car, allowing you to mount the Switch for a bit of stability when on the road.

The Games

In the Switch reveal trailer, several games were shown.  We start off with the new Legend of Zelda title, Breath of the Wild and be still, my nerdy heart, it looks fantastic.  Everything released about this game gets me more and more excited for it, especially now that I’ll be able to easily and conveniently take it with me when I venture out to a friend’s place or whatnot.

Next up, we are given a brief glimpse of Skyrim running on the console.  Many people may think this odd, since Skyrim is a relatively old game now and isn’t necessarily indicative of showing the limits of which the Switch is capable.  Also unclear is whether or not the version in the trailer is the soon-to-be-released Special Edition update of the game or the original from a few years ago.  Either way, I think this is good because it shows that developers are willing to put games on the Switch they previously would not have brought to a Nintendo system.  Third-party support has plagued Nintendo in recent years, so if the trailer and released graphic showing third-party developer support are to be believed, we could be seeing a shift in that trend with this new console.

The unidentified NBA 2k game shown is another product to bolster the hopes of third party support.  I’m not a sports fan, so this doesn’t excite me much, but I know others will be glad to have the sports title of their choice potentially return to Nintendo’s platform.

Two titles shown in the trailer are a bit confusing.  Mario Kart and Splatoon.  Both of these games are currently available on the Wii U but there are things shown in the trailer that point at these being updates of those versions.  Nintendo had previously mentioned the possibility of updated ports of Wii U games making their way to the Switch and this seems to be the case here.  For Mario Kart, a few subtle things are shown such as the ability to hold two items instead of the standard one, a new/old course (from the GCN version), and the icons of new potential racers.  Splatoon shows new stages not previously included in the current game or DLC, as well as new customization options for your characters.  All of this seems to point to these titles being featured as an “Ultimate Edition” or something of the sort, including all existing DLC plus some new content only available on the Switch.  That may hurt some of the consumers that have recently bought a Wii U and these titles/DLC, but will be a great way for those who have waited/hesitated to get in on the action with the best version of the games.

Lastly, a new 3D Mario game was briefly shown.  The theme seemed very “Day of the Dead”-esque, showing a desert town with a skull wearing a sombrero painted on the building, cacti, and architecture you’d think to find in a rural desert town.  The shots also include Mario’s signature triple jump, long jump, a familiar baddie in the form of a Bullet Bill cannon, and other staples of the long-running franchise.  Multiplayer was alluded to when the woman in the trailer brings the Switch out to a rooftop party and separates the Joy-Cons from the console, handing them to two separate players.  Seeing as we are not given a view of the screen during this segment, exactly how the multiplayer works in this title is unclear.  It can be assumed it will be cooperative along the lines of the recent Mario titles.

Separately from the trailer, I believe I had read that Nintendo was planning on releasing ports of their mobile games for the Switch.  Meaning versions of Miitomo, the upcoming Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem games, Super Mario Run, and potentially Pokemon GO (even though Nintendo wasn’t involved directly with its development) could make appearances on the new console in some form.

I also believe that Nintendo has issued a statement saying that a Zelda title, a Mario title, and a Pokemon title would all be available within the launch window of the Switch (roughly considered to be the first 6 months or so).  If that’s true, that’s a strong lineup out of the gate, even excluding third-party options.  And if the Pokemon title is a full-fledged main series adventure, that would be an instant selling point for many people.  One of the main concerns Game Freak/The Pokemon Company have stated with home console Pokemon games is that it would infringe upon the nature of the series.  Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) are supposed to be brought with you, wherever you go.  A companion to join you on your adventures.  The Switch would satisfy that requirement and the prospect of a fully-realized, high definition Pokemon game is probably more than I should hope for, but I am hoping nonetheless.

The Questions

The trailer was the perfect taste of what’s to come but left a lot of questions unanswered.  Nintendo has stated that no new info about the console or its game lineup will be released until 2017, so we will just have to dwell on these questions until then.

A big question mark was left on the topic of cost.  No one knows where the Switch will enter the fray, but based on Nintendo’s commitment to affordable, quality gaming, it can be assumed that it will be comparable-to-less-than the competitors’ prices.  Will Nintendo be able to keep the price around the $300 mark?

Next, battery life.  The Joy-Cons, Joy-Con shell, Pro controller, and the console itself are all wireless.  The console is sporting cartridges instead of discs, which will help battery life considerably, but if this thing is supposed to be as mobile as they are marketing it to be, it will need to pack considerable juice to be viable.  How long will the battery on the main console last?  How much life will we see in our controllers?

Touchscreen or no?  It was not shown in the trailer, but will the screen of the main unit be a touchscreen, much like the Wii U GamePad and the 3DS bottom screen.

Operating System.  Nintendo has worked in recent years to move to a more connected environment and unified account across their platforms/offerings.  Will we see the same discounted Virtual Console offerings we saw in the shift from Wii to Wii U?  Will Wii U games be backwards compatible at all?  Without the disc drive and the apparent inclusion of updated ports, this seems a highly unlikely prospect.  What about media options such as Netflix and Hulu?  Will there be a web browser?  While these aren’t deal breakers in my opinion since they’re on just about every other device in production now, some people like to have their entertainment solutions all-in-one.

Mobile market concerns.  Nintendo is dominating the handheld space in terms of dedicated game hardware.  The PS Vita is all but dead at this point while the 3DS continues to see quality releases.  If the Switch is truly going to be as mobile as advertised, is Nintendo fragmenting a market they already control?  Will the 3DS be phased out in lieu of focusing on Switch titles, bringing AAA titles to the mobile space?

Wi-fi and/or LTE are other concerns, not only from a battery life perspective but also from a connectivity perspective.  One of the confirmed games for the console is Dragon Quest X, which is an MMO entry in the popular series.  If the Switch is truly going to be as mobile as it is being portrayed, what options are we going to have for staying connected on the go?

Third-party support continues to weigh heavily on my mind.  Though Skyrim and the NBA title were showed in the trailer, various media outlets have reached out to developers for comment on the Switch.  Bethesda and 2K Sports/Games both commented that they were thrilled to work with Nintendo on the trailer, but had nothing to confirm at this time.  Is that because Nintendo wants to hold off full announcements until after the new year, closer to release?  Or is it a sign that third-party developers are waiting to gauge reactions and interest in the new system before throwing their lot in with Nintendo?

The Joy-Cons raise an interesting question in my mind.  Though they are undoubtedly unique and offer new ways to play, whatever your situation may be, I’m concerned about wear and tear on the connection points.  Constant attaching and detaching of the controllers, both to the console and the controller shell, has to wear on the grooves/connectors to some degree.  In a few years time, will our Joy-Cons simply fall off of the console at the slightest provocation?  I’m sure this has been and is being stress tested but it is a point of concern all the same.


I am definitely excited for the Nintendo Switch.  I have enjoyed all the Nintendo consoles up to this point because of their focus on games and fun.  The sheer portability of console-quality games is appealing to me because I love couch multiplayer opportunities and the prospect of picking up, say, a Legend of Zelda or new Mario game and taking it to a friend’s house with ease sounds fantastic to me.  Going out to a local bottle shop for drinks and a few rounds of Smash Bros. sounds equally enticing.

While there are many questions left unanswered, I think Nintendo is making the right choice in releasing this teaser and then switching to radio silence until after the new year.  This gives them the opportunity to solidify support, prepare their message in a way that conveys what they’re hoping to achieve, and not leave us waiting too long as by that time, the release will be a mere 3 months away.  I look forward to seeing more content as the release approaches and seeing what other people make of the announcement and position Nintendo is setting themselves into.

Thanks for reading and feel free to click the comments link to leave me anything you’d like to say.

First Post & Such

Hello & Welcome!

I’m not sure why you’re here, but I’m glad you are!  This is my attempt at a blog about my thoughts, focused largely around games and the gaming industry with a smattering of other vices of mine spread generously throughout.  As this is my first attempt at any kind of formal blog, please indulge me in my informal format.  Also, please excuse the barren/vanilla aesthetic of the site as I learn and tinker with the tools at my disposal here.  Without further ado, let me tell you why I’m here…

I’ve followed and enjoyed gaming since I was but a wee lad.  Some of my earliest memories are of playing my NES and GameBoy (the GameBoy was technically Mom’s, but whatever).  My brothers and I bonded (and similarly fought) over video games.  Friendships were built over shared interests in genres and specific video games.  Time and money have been invested in a fringe and frequently ostracised hobby that has become a mainstream phenomenon in recent years.  I’ve grown up with games and they’ve grown up with me and many others like me.  As it is a constant and favorite topic of conversation of mine, my friends have constantly been heard saying things like, “You should start a blog” or “OMG, who. the hell. CARES!?”  Comments like these (more the former than the latter) are what have brought me here, to this blog, as a place to put down my thoughts and ramblings without inundating my friends’ social media feeds with overly long posts that they may or may not be interested in (but let’s be real, I’ll probably still do that anyway).

So, since you’re here, I hope you enjoy what you’ll find and understand that these are simply my thoughts on a hobby that I have grown to love.  Thank you for stopping by and I hope I can stick to writing content that is interesting enough to keep you coming back for more!

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